5 ways to find more projects

14 July 2021

So you’ve created an account and you’re looking for new projects, but you’re not finding as many as you had hoped for using filters, what now?

This guide is going to show you how you can find more projects that’s relevant to you by making the most out of EstimateOne tender noticeboard search.

 Search, don’t filter

Generally most people will be using a filter called ‘trades’ to pick their trades – however, for those who don’t have a listed trade you can use the search function at the top of the noticeboard to find projects that might require your help.

This search doesn’t just search in the project’s name and description, but it will search through the documents of every project – and under each result you’ll be able to click on ‘found in this project’s documents’ to get an excerpt of where in the documents it’s mentioned for a quick peek!

Searching inside a package

Similar to how our previous search function works, you can also search directly in a package of documents with keywords. 

All you need to do is ‘view’ the documents rather than download them – viewing them lets you take advantage of the EstimateOne document viewer, which helps keep everything organized.

In the top left corner of the document viewer is a search bar – type your phrase in here and we’ll show you wherever in the documents your keyword is mentioned. This is handy for tracking down mentions of your trade in the overall plans of a project!

Recent searches save time

After you’ve begun using our search function it can seem a little tedious to keep re-entering relevant keywords, however we have a way that you can revisit previous searches!

Click ‘Recent Searches’ to the right of the search bar to access your search history. Just click on the keywords to revisit the results!

Check the listed trades

It might be disheartening to open a project and see that dreaded message – that the trade list on a project includes 0 of your trades. 

Don’t despair! Click on that ‘Show all trades’ button. The project trade list isn’t always made up of just what we have listed in our trade filter – you might find that your trade – or another phrasing of it – is listed here.

This is because builders can add their own additional trade lists so it’s worth checking this section as a part of your normal EstimateOne routine.

Keep your info accurate

Make sure your account information is accurate! If you submit a quote you will want the builder to be able to easily contact you if they need to – this includes keeping your company name accurate to your business so the builder can look you up if they need more context on the sort of work you do.

You can update your details by going to ‘settings’

Reach out

Communication is key!

Every project on EstimateOne will have the listed builders preferred contact details on them – so use them! Do you need clarity on whether they require your service? Have they mentioned it, but not provided enough information in the documents? Ask.

You can also use our directory which will show you all the builders on EstimateOne – along with their contact information.

Let us help you

Unsure how best to use EstimateOne to help your business succeed?

We have free 30 minute training sessions available where we can talk through your business goals and teach you methods to find suitable projects.

The session will be tailor made to be as unique as you are!

Book a session here